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Deanna Deckard  Broker | Owner

Deanna Deckard, Broker | Owner

Deanna Deckard is an exceptional real estate leader and the owner of Greystone Real Estate. With a strong commitment to excellence and attention to detail, Deanna has been producing top results for her clients for over 20 years.. She is known for her ability to provide an outstanding and seamless experience for her clients, with a knack for home transformation and the resources to get the job done.

In addition to her expertise in the real estate industry, Deanna is a dedicated member of her community and enjoys participating in Fairfield, CA community events. As a member of the Downtown Business Owner’s Association she is an active contributor to future planning for the Heart of Fairfield and a host for events like the Fairfield 4th of July Parade.. When she's not transforming homes and helping clients achieve their real estate goals, she recharges through running, spending time with loved ones, sipping chardonnay, and exploring new destinations with her husband.

As a natural leader, Deanna is passionate about coaching and training others in the industry. She understands the importance of cultivating a strong team that can work together effectively and produce great results. Her leadership style is centered around open communication, empowerment, and providing ongoing support and guidance to her team members. She sets high standards and inspires others to strive for excellence in everything they do.

Overall, Deanna's exceptional skills, experience, and passion for real estate, as well as her commitment to coaching and training her team, make her an excellent choice for anyone looking to buy or sell a home.

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