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Art Smith  Associate Broker

Art Smith, born and raised in Kansas City, Missouri, is an Associate Broker with extensive experience in the real estate industry. With over three decades of expertise, Art's journey began when he became a broker in Los Angeles in 1990. For the past 20 years, he has called northern California his home, establishing himself as a trusted professional in the local real estate market.
Beyond his real estate career, Art also serves as a Patient Experience Ambassador at Northbay Healthcare in Fairfield, where he brings his exceptional interpersonal skills and dedication to providing top-notch customer service to the healthcare industry. Additionally, he holds the esteemed position of President of the Talk of Northbay Toastmasters Club, demonstrating his commitment to personal growth, effective communication, and leadership development.
As a father of four children residing in different parts of the country, including Kansas City, Missouri, Seattle, Washington, and Los Angeles, Art values family and understands the importance of finding the perfect home that suits the unique needs of each individual and family.
In his leisure time, Art indulges in various hobbies and interests. He enjoys reading, staying active through sports, and has a passion for flying small aircraft. His multifaceted interests not only contribute to his personal growth but also allow him to connect with clients on a broader level, bringing diverse perspectives and experiences to the table.
Art firmly believes in cultivating a positive mindset and finding the silver lining in every situation. He advocates for training the mind to see the good in everything, emphasizing that positivity is a choice. He recognizes that the happiness and fulfillment in life are greatly influenced by the quality of one's thoughts.
With a wealth of experience, a genuine passion for helping others, and an unwavering commitment to excellence, Art Smith is the Associate Broker you can rely on for all your real estate needs.

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